Sanford Rose Associates – The Zike Group’s
“All – Inclusive Search” Process.

The Senior Living Industry is facing a “Shrinking Candidate Pool” – according to a recent “ANCA/NCAL analysis of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics” the Senior Living Industry has hit a 15-year all-time low.

Because of the shrinking Candidate Pool, Job Board Advertising is a poor solution for attracting “High Performers”, because “High Performers” are not looking at the Job Boards. Performance Breakdown Percentages of Senior Living Candidate Pool

Forbes: “The Cold Hard Truth Behind How Many Star Employees You Truly Have” by Henry Krajewski

According to McKnight, the leader in providing Senior Living ownership with the most current trends said, “Job Board Advertising often results in high quantity, but low-quality applicants”

Our All-Inclusive Search process gives us access to the “Top 5%” of the Candidate Pool that our clients typically do not have access to.

Our “All-Inclusive Search model” is based on 3 Principles:

1. Power in Numbers

The bigger the Candidate Pool, the more “high performers” you will attract.

  • We begin your search by creating a “Candidate Pool” of at least 150 to 500 employed candidates, including the “Top Performers” (top 5%) from your leading competitors.
  • We have a Data Base of over 30,000 employed Senior living Executives because we have specialized in Senior Living, placing over 900 Senior Living Executives over a 26 year period.

2. Aggressive Talent Attraction Strategy

  • We create an aggressive outreach strategy contacting 150 to 500 employed candidates’, multiple times, extracting the “Top 5%” from your candidate pool.
  • Our outreach includes your brand, your culture and your company’s data driven performance results that will attract the highest performers in your market

3. The Science of the Performance Based Interview (PBI) to identify Top Performers.

  • The PBI process allows us to identify candidates that actually have exhibited the behaviors in their past performance that will make them successful and most likely to succeed in their new job.
  • We interview 20 to 50 employed candidates to identify the “Top 5%”
  • We use a Zoom platform for the PBI and include the interview link when sending the candidates resume so you can hire from the top 5% of the candidate pool.

“High performers can deliver 400% more Productivity than average performers”
Harvard Business Review

What are the key indicators that signal star potential? Research points to three general markers of high potential:

  • Ability – Is the individual able to do the job in question?
  • Social skills – Can this person establish and maintain cooperative working relationships?
  • Drive – is this person motivated to work hard, achieve, and do whatever it takes to get the job done?

Harvard Business Review “What Science says about identifying high performance employees”

If you need a High Performer to increase profits, reduce employee turnover and improve employee engagement please call, text or email Tom Zike MPH CEO:


Attracting Top 5%

Tailor strategy for attracting the top 5% of the candidate pool.


Exhaustive Research

All-inclusive research creating a candidate pool including all top performers (top 5%) in client’s market.


Performance Based Interview

Identifying top performers by testing candidate’s ability to problems that face the Senior Living Industry – Performance Base Interview (PBI) via Zoom



Support client’s candidate selection and offer acceptance process.



Follow-up measuring candidate’s desired performance on new job against candidates actual performance.

Five Year Follow-Up

  • 30 day follow up to get first impressions
  • 90 day follow up to measure expected performance
  • 180 day follow up continuing to measure expected performance
  • Yearly follow-up through the 5th year