Sanford Rose Associates is a Top 10 Executive Search Firm by Hunt Scanlon and The Zike Group appears on a regular basis as one of the Top Performing offices out of over a 160 Sanford Rose franchises.
Qualified Candidates presented within 10-15 business days
0 to 5 Year
Replacement Guarantee
Retention after 2 yrs
Retention after 5 yrs
Offer Acceptance
0 Yrs
Experience with over 900 Placements in Senior Living

96.6% Fill Rate

Sanford Rose Associates – The Zike Group has one of the highest Fill Rates in the Senior Living Industry for all Comprehensive searches performed over the last 5 years.

Hire from the top 5% of the candidate pool

Unlike most search firms we do not use Job Board advertising. The “Top Performers’, the candidates you want to hire, are too busy performing for their current employers to be looking at Job Board advertising.

According to McKnight, the leader in providing Senior Living owners with the most current trends, said in one of their most recent articles “That Job Board Advertising often times results in high quantity but low-quality applicants.”

3 “High Performing” Candidates presented within 10-15 Business Days 

98.4% Offer Acceptance

2 to 5 year
Replacement Program

After 26 years we have a legacy for delivering top talent to clients who want to drive breakthrough performance. If you have a need for a high performing senior living executive, please call us at (469)648-0620